I have heard this expressed from many older Friends, I have also heard, the reason why Hitler was so fierce was because there were more anointed in "Germany" then any other place on Earth. Notice the comment always says "Germany". Of interest it is not stated in publications and in fact what is stated in publications off sets these comments. In this post we are going to undo some old myths, and create a better understanding of our Brothers and Sisters in the camps. The first myth we need to dispel is "the German Witnesses" in Nazi camps. Look at the map below. It has a red dot on every Nazi camp in Germany and occupied territories. Now as you look at that map, keep in mind in every occupied territory where the Nazi's set up puppet governments, Jehovah's Witnesses were banned and imprisoned. Staggering to consider. So when we think about Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi camps, it is not only Witnesses from Germany, but nearly every European nation and a few others. Myth #1 dispelled, there were Jehovah's Witnesses from many nations in the Nazi camps. Now let's consider the actual number of Witnesses in America vs Germany. Here is a statement from the "Divine Purpose" book page 128; it is the closes statement I can find where it is suggested a higher number in Germany than in America. I can understand how this statement can be taken out of context. Please keep the year in mind, that will be important.
"The work in Germany, however, was showing considerably more progress. In fact, during a special campaign in 1933, there were almost as many Witnesses in the field in that country as there were in the United States." Now we ask, what were the numbers if they are that close? Again, returning to the "Divine Purpose" book pages 128 and 129. "April 8-16, therewere 58,804 workers in seventy-seven countries. A booklet called "Crisis" was being distributed. There were 20,719 workers that reported in the United States, and in Germany there were 19,268 Witnesses in the field. The German Witnesses distributed 2,271,630 pieces of literature, whereas in the United States 877,194 pieces were placed." We have a documented 20,719 partaking and preaching in the United States, and 19,268 partaking and preaching in Germany. And by the placements those German Brothers and Sisters were very active. But do note, I used the word "partaking" as well as preaching. Here is why. In The above figure is from 1933, it was in this same year that many of the Friends started to be arrested and sent to prisons at first and then camps. (In another post I will show that the camps were at first built for Jehovah's Witnesses and war prisoners, not Jews.) There is one documented case of a Brother arrested and being detained as early as 1932. Returning to 1933, and looking at the totals for Germany, it would be 2 years after this, in 1935, that we got the clear understanding of the Other Sheep. The Witnesses in Germany were still able, albeit with caution, to preach in Germany. From the "Golden Age" reprinted in the "Awake!"1995 August 22 page 8-9 "In 1935, The Golden Age exposed the Inquisition like torture methods of the Nazi regime and its spy system. It also revealed that it was the aim of the Hitler Youth organization to purge Germany’s youths of their belief in God. The following year a nationwide Gestapo campaign resulted in the arrests of thousands of Witnesses. Soon after, on December 12, 1936, the Witnesses answered with their own campaign, blanketing Germany with tens of thousands of copies of a resolution protesting the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses." Our Brothers and Sisters in Germany did in fact get the new understanding regarding the Other Sheep. In fact, the Friends in Germany changed their entire focus in the ministry, one of the reasons why they were so active was to gather the "Jonadab's." But to step back just for a minute. It is well documented in our literature that up to 1935, many did not identify as going to heaven, and at the convention where Brother Rutherford asked the Other Sheep to stand up, many did. Now keep in mind those who stood up had been partaking up to that time. Of the 20,719 partakers in the United States how many were partaking in 1935 that stopped? Now consider the 19,268 in Germany that were partaking. When some of them realized, they are not going to heaven, how many stopped partaking? Those numbers we do not have as they were not kept at the time. Now it's getting easy to understand that not all the Witnesses in the camps were of the anointed. Those that stopped partaking now knew they were of the "Jonadab's" (as they were called in the time) or the Other Sheep. The two groups started to work together as one to find the remaining Other Sheep. In chapters 20-24 of the "Divine Purpose" book you can read details of the preaching work in Germany under Nazi rule and how the gathering work focused on the Other Sheep. To repost that many chapters here would be too long. So, if you can find the book, I encourage you to read it. Going to page 168 and 169 of the "Divine Purpose" book. "The happenings at the Ravensbruck women's camp show the vile practices carried out against Jehovah's witnesses by the Catholic SS troops. In this women's camp alone there were 50 Polish women in the truth, 15 Ukrainians, 10 Czechs, 10 Hungarians, 25 Hollanders, 2 Belgians, 500 Germans, and 300 young Russian Jonadabs that learned of the truth in the camp itself." Some math; 822 Other Sheep from within the camps. Notice also that 500 are German. It is estimated that more than 1.000 Jehovah's Witnesses died in the Nazi camps. The number is indeed higher as some went in as a Bible Study, some had even just started the study. Others started a study after being in the camps. Notice this experience from the "Divine Purpose" book page 163. "A brother in Germany reported that during the years 1934 and 1935 he found a couple who manifested great interest in the truth and studied with them in their home. He visited them regularly every week to study The Watchtower with them When he was arrested in 1936 his wife continued the study, but she too was soon arrested and sentenced to three years. This newly interested couple, hungrily yearning for the Word of God, were left alone, with only an address of a brother who lived some 250 miles away. The wife went there to obtain a mimeographed copy of The Watchtower and took a few copies for others and, later on as she gained strength, even participated in spreading copies over vast territories of Germany after almost all the known brothers had been arrested. The brother who first contacted them reports that after his release in 1945 he went to visit them, only to find their house had been hit by a bomb and burned completely. Upon inquiry he learned that this woman who had so zealously cooperated was later apprehended herself and arrested along with her husband. Both of them were taken to the police prison in Munich, where the husband was literally beaten to death for his steadfast attitude and his wife sentenced to death and beheaded. As far as circumstances reveal, these two faithful persons had not even had an opportunity to symbolize their dedication to Jehovah God by water immersion. Yet they were so filled with the desire to serve God and their fellow men that they literally gave their lives to that work." So over 1,000 Jehovah's Witnesses died in the camps and between 8,000 and 10,000+ were in the camps. By saying "were in the camps" it adds those who were sentenced to the camps and those that came into the Truth while in the camps. However, there is no way to know exactly how many Jehovah's Witnesses were in the camps. Some of those sentenced to the camps and likely all those that came into the Truth while in the camps were of the Other Sheep. Since about 8,000 may have been sentenced it could be that about 4,000 could have been Other Sheep, and perhaps 500+ may have come into the Truth while in the camps. Since the number of 8,000 to 10,000 in the camps were from all European nations there is no way to know the exact number of German Witnesses who went in and died. It is very likely the number of anointed to Other Sheep in the camps could have been close to equal. And it is possible the number that came out of the camps may have been more Other Sheep than Anointed. So, another myth of the Holocaust done away with. There was not a higher number of anointed in "Germany" and in the camps. With as many nations Nazi Germany took over and as many Witnesses there was in Europe, Germany like other nations likely had an equal number of Witnesses in the camps as any other nation. The important point here is that Anointed and Other Sheep were in the camps, Anointed and Other Sheep suffered the same treatment. The Nazi's and Satan did not care if you were Anointed or Other Sheep, if you were a servant of Jehovah, you were a target. The lesson? From history we learn that if we are of the Anointed or the Other Sheep, you can prove faithful to Jehovah under the most extreme test. On page 172 of the "Divine Purpose" book we read. "it made such a deep impression that as a result ten fellow prisoners took their stand for Jehovah. In that same camp there were together 300 who accepted the truth, among them 227 Russian youthsl" "Many other reports also tell of prisoners accepting the truth. In the one camp of Ravensbruck, for instance, 300 Russians and Ukrainians took their stand for Jehovah's kingdom. The continual preaching and teaching resulted in a great harvest among these unfortunates in the concentration camps. Men and women dedicated themselves to Jehovah God to do his will and symbolized such decision by water immersion. Even a water barrel served for this purpose in one camp. One report reveals: Through the active preaching in the camp, we found more and more people of good-will of whom many expressed their desire to be immersed. Jehovah blessed our efforts and prayers and so we had the privilege, even in our punishment block, to have two baptism ceremonies with the number of 26 baptized, most of whom were young Russian girls. As a whole, during the camp time we baptized 70 people of good-will. At times these took their stand under dramatic circumstances. One morning, for example, at the morning parade all of Jehovah's witnesses were ordered to step a few paces forward for special examination. The report continues: It happened that a boy of nineteen years, who had quite recently heard the message, stepped forward from the division to which he belonged and took his place among Jehovah's witnesses. He was taken to the commandant of the camp, who threatened him with 25 strokes. The boy answered: "I have today taken my stand for Jehovah, and that holds good, not only despite 25 strokes, but even if you take my life." The commandant then shouted, "Bring an iron bar! In ten minutes' time he won't be a Jehovah's witness any longer!" The young brother endured even this treatment, however, and was later one of the most energetic publishers."
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